Best Buenos Aires Steakhouse: La Cabrera, Palermo Soho

01 Jul

As I was doing research to find a place to eat in Buenos Aires, I came across many recommendations that pointed towards La Cabrera. A restaurant that is located in Palermo Soho which has great dining and shopping options. La Cabrera is known to be the place of excellence when it comes to a good parrilla. Named Best Steakhouse twice in a row definitely speaks a lot about the quality of service and food that this restaurant provides. You can find this parrilla open during the traditional argentine operating hours of 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Before 10 p.m. English is the primary language overheard as tourist fill up all the available seating. Regardless of its popularity and constant mention in travel books, the servers remain friendly and diligent. The only downside of La Cabrera is the fact that their prices are high compared to other Buenos Aires parrillas.  So if you are restricting yourself to only eating at one steakhouse while visiting Buenos Aires, or if you happen to find yourself on a budget like myself and have the need to splurge one day, I recommend La Cabrera.


    This place is considered to have some of the cities best food! The steaks are served to you on wooden boards, in huge portions, along with some condiments like olives, sun dried tomatoes and goats cheese. This particular Buenos Aires steakhouse is not only popular for its food but also for its attentive service. Sizzled with the standard slow-cooked care it sure brings out the flavor of the famed Argentine Beef. As many come to find out Argentina is a country that holds back on spices. The great surprise is that La Cabrera does not refrain from using seasoning like thyme, concasse pepper and vegetable marinade that adds flavor to the beef. What a relief! Many of the entrees are also available in half portions, but they have a trademark variety of side dishes that come add no extra charge with each entree. A couple examples of these side dishes include; a quail-egg potato salad, pureed squash, and tomato-marinated pinto beans.


Their wine list consist of only large wineries but nothing too interesting, you can definitely find a classic Argentine Malbec. I arrived at La Cabrera at 8:30 and people were already lined up outside the door! I recommend making a reservation with them through their website in order to assure a faster service. If you do not get to make a reservation no worries, they do give you sparkling white wine while you wait. Overall it was a good experience and a fantastic meal which I do plan on doing again.

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Posted by on July 1, 2013 in Restaurant Reviews


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