Argentina Steak: Morcilla in Buenos Aires

02 Jul

In a traditional Argentine asado (steak dinner), you will find that the main entree is preceded by a series of “aperitivos”. These can vary from the delectable provoleta (grilled provolone cheese) or your choice of several different kinds of sausages (chorizos, rinones, chinchulines y mollejas) generally comprised of achuras, or offals. Perhaps the most popular amongst Argentines would be the morcilla, known in English as blood sausage.

morcillaThis particular sausage tends to be difficult for some to swallow as it is most definitely not for the squeamish. I was lucky enough to try my first morcilla without knowing what it was. Had I known what I was getting into as I sat down for my first authentic asado in Buenos Aires, I may not have given it a chance, but now that I have tried it I continue to go back for more. If you can handle the unique texture of the this “achura”, you will be rewarded by a multitude of flavors hitting you at once. This mixture of pig’s blood, ground up pork, salt, pepper, garlic, onion, paprika, rice, bread crumbs, and nuts truly is one of a kind.

Be prepared, however, to shop around to find a morcilla that appeases your taste buds as recipes vary from butcher to butcher. Expect the sausages to be very dark in color, ranging from dark reddish brown to very dark brown.

ver-img.phpThese Argentine embutidos (sausages) will come pre-cooked and, therefore, do not require very much cook time making them ideal for an appetizer. At a Buenos Aires parrilla (Buenos Aires steakhouse) morcillas are cooked on lower heat, so as to not break the casing, until the outside becomes crispy and the inside reaches a pleasantly warm temperature. You will not need to add any sort of sauce or seasoning since the ingredients within provide all of the enticing flavors. Morcilla criolla (the larger of two sizes (the other being bombon)) has also been known to be served as a sandwich called morcipan. You can also find morcilla dulce which adds raisins and more nuts to the mix for a sweeter taste.

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Posted by on July 2, 2013 in Steak cuts


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