Argentine Beef Cuts vs American Beef Cuts

24 Oct

If any of you have ever lived in, been to or at least heard about Argentina, you will be aware of the famously high quality steak. The steak cuts are slightly different to what you will come across in your favorite BBQ house in the States! Although the quality of the meat may not differ too much from meat of a Texas BBQ, but Argentines’ really have it down to a T the art of how to grill and salt a steak.

Steak House in the USA

A classic style steak house in the United States can’t be beaten by much. But if you should come down to Argentina, getting to a parilla out of the city or even a parrilla in the city is a must do. (However, please don’t confuse this with a traditional Argentine asado, which is not to be found anywhere in the city for visitors, it only happens at the homes of Argentines).

La Cabrera is a well known ‘parrilla’or steakhouse in Buenos Aires.

Below is a picture highlighting the cuts of beef used generally in the US and other regions such as the UK.

As you can see, the area around the neck is divided into more parts.

The (roughly and most common) five different types of steaks you will see in Argentina are Bife de Lomo (tenderloin). Entrana (skirt steak), Asado de tira (short ribs), Vacio (flank steak) and Bife de chorizo (sirloin). There are several other beef cuts that we will write about over the coming days and months, but these are the principal players.

The Bife de Lomo is the most expensive cut, it’s big, tender and juicy. Lomo is a must try at least once, but can often lack a bit of flavour. It is also, ironically, the absolute least Argentine cut of beef. You will basically never find this at any real Argentine asado specifically because it is rather flavorless. Where you will find it is in “milanesas” which is schnitzel or “chicken fried steak”, which is a very common lunch and dinner food in Argentina. It is also a cut that is considered beef for children since it is soft and easy to cut and chew. How ironic!


La Entraña

The Entrana is not as large as lomo or bife de chorizo, so is a great choice if you don’t think you’ll finish off a larger option. This is a favorite among the Argentines’ and is a more flavorful, thinner cut of meat. Not the most tender of cuts, between a lomo and a matambre.

The Asado de tira, or ribs, is where you will also see another main difference to the states. In Argentina, the ribs are cut a lot shorter. They are packed full with flavour and are nice and crispy. This is *the* cut of Argentine beef, and can be found at our little Steak events that we do here in Buenos Aires.

The Vacio, or flank steak, probably won’t be found outside of Argentina/Uruguay. This cut will have a coating of fat on the outside, but none on the inside. When cooked to perfection the fat goes crispy and keeps the inside tender and juicy.

The Bife de Chorizo is big a juicy with tasty exterior fat. Just make sure you get it in a good place. as a cheap Bife de Chorizo will be fatty and not so worth it.

A Matambre is another Argentine meat that is popular in Argentina. However is renowned for it’s toughness. So get your jaw prepared!

No matter which cut of Argentine beef you choose, it will certainly be a memorable experience!

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Posted by on October 24, 2013 in Steak cuts


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