Steak Buenos Aires: La Cabrerra a different kind of Parrilla

18 Nov

Over the years, La Cabrera, a steakhouse in Buenos Aires, Argentina located in the vibrant neighborhood of Palermo Viejo has made quite the name for itself.  On just about any and all restaurant guides talking about parrillas for Argentina’s capital it is going to be listed within the top 5 parrillas (steakhouses) in Buenos Aires.  There’s never a lull at this place and when I say never, I mean never.  It’s slightly cramped and can be a bit noisy but it’s all part of the ambiance and it just goes to show you that the food is good enough to be bringing in all these mass quantities of people.  It’s certainly turned into a touristy type of joint.  According to Lonely Planet is one of THE places to eat a good steak if you’re coming to Argentina hungry however you need to take note of the fact that although it offers delicious quality Argentine beef it’s not a place that you’d find many locals.

La cabrera, argentine beef, meat, parrilla

            La Cabrera was created and is run by Gastón Rivera who has generated an image for himself as something more than just a parrillero.  He pushes the limits on asado grilling up all of the favorite but paying attention to the little details as well.  He pries himself on inventing new flavors and dishes constantly challenging the idea of plain old grilled meat.  It is this has set him about from all those who are set in their wonderful but traditional ways of asado.  He has been so successful in this that they’ve had to open up another location not more than a couple blocks from the original location.

gaston rivers, la cabrera, parrilla, beef, argentina

            Rivera, although a parrillero, also considers himself a chef.  He works meticulously with each and every section of this parrilla from the building to the food to the staff in order to create a brand that will not only satisfy his customers but it will satisfy him as well.  It’s easy to see that when you walk into his restaurants.  You feel as though you’re in for an excellent treat and that they want you to enjoy every minute of your stay at the restaurant.  From a young age he had a passion for cooking thanks to his grandparents.  The he and his grandfather would go to some of the finest restaurants in Mar del Plata enjoying not only the food but also the experience.  This is a focus that Rivera has made a priority of his.  Another aspect that has defined Gastón as a chef is the emphasis his grandmother put on exposing yourself to new things.  These two influential people in his life helped him truly find what it was that he wanted to share with other people when it comes to cooking and therefore he created La Cabrera.  He has done such a fantastic job of representing these two influential people in his life.  When you’re at La Cabrera it’s almost as if you can feel their essence.

la cabrera, beef, meat, argentina parrilla  la cabrera, beef, meat, argentina parrilla

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Posted by on November 18, 2013 in Restaurant Reviews


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