Steak Buenos Aires: Lo de Bebe

18 Nov

Lo de bebe, parrilla, buenos aires, steakhouse

Situated not more than several meters off Scalabrini Ortiz on Charcas is a small but good parrilla called Lo de Bebe where you can get a steak in Buenos Aires for a great price.  What started off as a hole in the wall place to get some Argentine asado has turned into a kitchy place to sit and have dinner with friends and family.

Lo de bebe, parrilla, buenos aires, steakhouse

I first came across this Argentine parrilla by chance.  A professor of mine from the states was visiting his family in Buenos Aires and he invited me and two other students out for a nice dinner.  With good intent of where we were going we set off.  Twenty minutes pass and we were unable to find the original restaurant where we were going to eat.  With our stomachs growling and our feet growing weary the smells wafting out from this tiny parrilla were calling to us.  We agreed without hesitation that it was meant to be and so we walked in and sat down.

From the moment you step inside your eyes are met with a whirlwind of colorful decoration.  The chairs and walls are painted in a classically fileteado porteño motif with phrases and sayings written in swirly fonts.  The chairs and the tables are also brightly decorated and they’re mismatched with gives this small parrilla an eclectic and homey feel.

Lo de bebe, parrilla, buenos aires, steakhouse

We ordered a bottle of wine and my professor quickly listed off a mountain of food that he wanted us to try and the waiter was off to place our order.  In looking around I noticed that there was a fair amount of Argentines eating here (which is typically a good sign for a neighborhood joint).  Plates of meat were brought out to us on small sliver trays as they were ready off the grill.  As my professor pointed out, they have a wide selection of meats to choose from the parrilla.  First to arrive was the provoleta.  It was slightly crunchy for my taste but still salty and flavorful as a provoleta should be.  Next came our morcilla and chorizo.  The chorizo was quite yummy, it’s hard to mess up a classic sausage like that.  The morcilla however wasn’t a favorite, normally I’m a big fan of morcilla but this one just didn’t do it for me.   When it came time for the star of the show, the vacio, we decided that we needed to order another plate because it wasn’t going to be enough for all of us to share.  Presentation also wasn’t a focus of theirs.  That’s not to say that it wasn’t a good meal.  In the end we left satisfied and full.

Lo de bebe, parrilla, buenos aires, steakhouse

Fast forward a year and a half and I’m back in Buenos Aires, now living here permanently.  One sunny afternoon I looked in my fridge and realized that it was bare and that I was going to have to venture out in search of food.  My roommate mentioned that there was a delicious parrilla not too far away and that I might give that a shot.  She joined me on our walk and as we’re approaching I saw the familiar colorful tables and smelled that delicious grilled meat aroma.  As it turns out, Lo de Bebe is right around the corner from my apartment and they do take out! I’m not ashamed to admit that this has turned into a regular place for me to pick up a choripan or a bondiola sandwich on my way home when I have no desire to cook.  I think this is probably their biggest draw for me.  Essentially they combined the carts down on Costanera with a restaurant.  While the flavors are authentic, the style in which they are served has been updated for convenience.

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Posted by on November 18, 2013 in Restaurant Reviews


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