Tag Archives: Parrilla

Best Buenos Aires Steakhouses: La Cholita, Recoleta

In Recoleta La Cholita is easy to access being right off Santa Fe. In fact, that is how I came across this solid traditional Buenos Aires parrilla. It’s a good option for those looking for a place to eat a good meal at a reasonable price with friends. Their proportions are abundant ,so you can bet on getting a good amount of food for your money. I recommend having the provoleta completa which comes in a cast iron skillet with baked provolone cheese, toped with onions, oregano, tomato and a drizzle of olive oil.

photo_1485_2I also really enjoyed the salchicha parrillera which is a very flavorful grilled sausage that has a more meaty texture compared to other argentine sausages. As far as argentine steak is concerned la parillada completa (complete grill) a great choice. The dish includes three types of sausages and all kinds of parts of the cow. La prillada is large enough to feed anywhere from 2-5 people and is one of the meals I most recommend.  Other recommended favorites would be the bife de lomo (loin steak)  and bife de Chorizo (sausage steak)  which are served with a side of french fries and calabaza. The fact that the dishes include sides is what sold me, as many restaurants in Buenos Aires often don’t include sides with their entrees.  I don’t recommend it to those looking for a relaxed quite dinner, the tables are really close to one another and the atmosphere is loud.


Their menu on the other hand has many options, they don’t only offer steak but also appetizers and you have the option of building your own salad. I recommend trying the Ensalada la Cholita, which is a bed mixed greens topped with mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, diced peppers and a large piece of chicken pillared. Considered a favorite by not only locals but tourists La Cholita gets very busy at all times of the day, usually requiring a reservation to secure yourself a spot. One of the downsides of this parrilla is that credit cards are not accepted, they do all their transactions in cash only.  The menu is, over all, very reasonably priced so if you’re looking for some good casual dining, do take into consideration this local joint.

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Posted by on June 18, 2013 in Restaurant Reviews


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