Tag Archives: recipes

Steak Buenos Aires: What to do with Steak Leftovers

Whether you’re in Argentina, the United States or Australia more often than not when you’re standing in front of those beautiful 24oz, perfectly marbled steaks your intentions are always to finish it. Let’s face it though, sometimes it’s just too much. This problem is typically remedied with an undone button, possibly a nap and a delicious dinner for the dog. BUT WAIT! Before you’re so quick to dismiss a cold and forgotten precooked steak you might want to check out some of these delicious ideas to play out round two of your steakhouse dinner. The following ideas are in no particular order but are what we consider some creative ways to reinvent leftover steak.

Beef Stroganoff                                                 Beef Stroganoff

Beef Stroganoff is an excellent comfort food. Made with a creamy caramelized onion and mushroom gravy this is a simple and quick recipe. Prepare your favorite recipe as you would normally but add the meat around the time you cook the mushrooms so it can absorb some of the excess moisture without overcooking it. What’s so nice about this option is that no one will ever know you used steak that had already been cooked.

Steak Quesadillas                                             steak quesadilla   

Quesadillas, a delicious cheesy Mexican goody, are a grilled flatbread that can be filled with whatever ingredients you like. Just cut up your steak into bit sized pieces, place it in between two torillas nestled amongst your favorite type of cheese and with a quick flip of the quesadilla you’ll be enjoying a delicious lunch or dinner. They can be served with a number of sauces including salsa, guacamole and sour cream. Add some rice and beans on the side and you’ve got quite the delicious and filling meal.

Steak Salad                                               Ginger-Steak-Salad

If you’re looking for a lighter meal to follow the mashed potatoes, bread and, here in Argentina at least, fried provoleta that always accompanies a good steak you can always opt for a delicious salad. The possibilities here are endless. Steak isn’t always a common salad topper but it’s more delicious than you think. Served with an acidic dressing and possibly dried cranberries and blue cheese it will be a nice addition to leafy green lettuce.

Shredded Beef                                               shredded beef

Shredded beef can be quite the gourmet way to spice up a classic recipe such as grilled cheese. With a crock pot, some sort of broth and patience you’re just hours away from a surefire crowd-pleaser.

Steak and Eggs                                                     Steak and Eggs

Maybe you just can’t wait until dinner to enjoy your steak once again. If this is the case then womping up some steak and eggs is just the ticket. Fast and easy this dish is a classic.

Steak Hash                                                              steak-hash

Using cubed steak instead of corned beef is quite an elegant twist to this appetizing breakfast dish. Just add potatoes, peppers, cheese and eggs and you’ve got an fabulous and impressive skillet dish.

Chili                                                                chili con carne

How about some chili? From personal experience I’ve found that chili recipes vary from family to family and sometimes from family member to family member. While this may be the case that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t feel free to try something different. Throw some steak in your chili as opposed to ground beef and find yourself enjoying a whole different chili experience.

Hopefully you’ve found this useful and if you have any other great leftover steak ideas don’t be afraid to share them with us!  

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Posted by on February 8, 2014 in Asado Tips


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