Tag Archives: South America

Dulce de Leche in Argentina

Dulce de leche (sweet milk) is a delight! It is a traditional sweet of South America which corresponds to a modification of caramelized milk. It is widely used in different pastries such as pies, cakes, ice cream, alfajores, and others. The National History Museum has the date of the invention of sweet milk, dated back to the year 1829. In Matanza on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Manuel de Rosas and his political enemy Juan Lavalle were going to sign a peace pact. Juan Lavalle arrived to the city physically exhausted from all the traveling. He waited to be assisted and sooner than later fell asleep in a camp bed where there were many pots where women used to prepare meal services. A servant began to prepare “slurry” which is hot milk with sugar that it is used for mate. When she came back she saw her master’s enemy, General Lavalle. She did not understand anything about politics and rushed for someone’s help. Meanwhile, Lavalle kept sleeping. Later, he turned away with several supporters armed with sticks and pitchforks, but fortunately, as fate would have also reached the site Don Juan Manuel. Witnessing the scene laughed, stopped those who wanted to beat up Lavalle and ordered them to let him sleep until he felt well rested. In the meantime, the slurry remained in the fire for several hours. A servant told Rosas that Lavalle had woken up. They noticed the grout, and tasted it. It was like a toast for them, and they loved it. Therefore, dulce de leche was discovered on July 17, 1829.


Simple recipe of dulce de leche:

Gather four liters of dairy milk, one kilogram of sugar and a vanilla pod. First, boil the milk with sugar and vanilla and stir with a wooden spoon, repeatedly for about an hour and a half. After awhile, remove from the heat and you will see it turns into a bowl of warm water. Keep stirring until warm.

I realize that Argentines love dulce de leche. I seriously have eaten dulce de leche for four meals a day; breakfast, lunch, snack time, and dinner. The best brands of dulce de leche are SanCor, Havanna, and Chimbote. They are a bit more expensive, but they are the top three brands for their excellent taste in Argentina.

¡Dulce de leche es una delicia! Es un dulce tradicional de América del Sur, que corresponde a una modificación de la leche caramelizada. Es ampliamente utilizado en diferentes pastas tales como tartas, pasteles, helados, alfajores y otros. El Museo Nacional de Historia tiene la fecha de la invención del dulce de leche, desde el año 1829. En Matanza, en las afueras de Buenos Aires, Manuel de Rosas y su enemigo político Juan Lavalle se iban a reunir para  firmar un acuerdo de paz. Juan Lavalle llegó a la ciudad agotado físicamente de todos los viajes. Mientras tanto esperaba ser asistido quedó dormido en un catre de campaña donde había muchas macetas donde las mujeres usaban para preparar los servicios de comidas. Una sirvienta comenzó a preparar “pasta”, que es la leche caliente con azúcar que se utiliza para el mate. Cuando regresó vio que el enemigo de su señor estaba allí, el general Lavalle. No entendía nada de política y corrió en busca de ayuda de alguien. Mientras tanto, Lavalle se mantenía dormido. Más tarde, se dio la vuelta con varios seguidores armados con palos y horcas, pero para la suerte de Lavalle, este Don Juan Manuel no quiso aprovecharse de que estaba durmiendo. Entonces, al ser testigo de la escena se rió, detuvo a los que le querían dar una paliza a Lavalle y les ordenó dejarlo dormir hasta que sintiera bien descansado. Mientras tanto, la suspensión se mantuvo en el fuego durante varias horas. Un criado le aviso a Rosas que Lavalle había despertado. Los dos se dieron cuenta de que la lechada, y lo probó. Era como un brindis para ellos, y les encantó. Por lo tanto, el dulce de leche fue descubierto el 17 de julio de 1829.

Receta simple de dulce de leche:

Reúna cuatro litros de leche de vaca, un kilo de azúcar y una vaina de vainilla. Hay que hervir la leche con el azúcar y la vainilla y revuelva con una cuchara de madera,  varias veces por aproximadamente una hora y media. Después de un tiempo, se retira la olla del fuego y verá que se convierte en un recipiente con agua caliente. Siga revolviendo hasta que esté más tibio.

Me he dado cuenta de que los argentinos les facina el  dulce de leche. En serio, he comido dulce de leche durante las cuatro comidas del día: desayuno, almuerzo, merienda y cena. Las mejores marcas de dulce de leche son SanCor, Havanna y Chimbote. Son un poco más caras, pero son las tres mejores marcas por su excelente calidad y sabor en Argentina.

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Posted by on June 25, 2013 in Traditions


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Alfajores in Argentina

El Alfajor is definitively my favorite pastry made from cornstarch, stuffed with sweet coconut milk, jams, jellies, caramel, the freshness of the fruits, or other sweets, merged with gingerbread which consists of two or more cookies, crackers, or baked dough of gingerbread, according to the Argentine Food Code, Article 132. The creation of the alfajor is traced back to the Middle East from Arabic cuisine. In later centuries, it was passed down through Spain and later down to South America. Even thought el alfajor was not innovated in Argentina it has a massive production with over one hundred manufacturers. Such companies like Arcor, Kraft, and Cadbury and brands such as Bon o Bon, Bagley, Tofi, Shot, and Terrabusi. For more than a century it has been the most consumed delicacy across the country. In Argentina, alfajores’ sales are about 6 million a day! About 50% of those sales are alfajores made from chocolate and sweet milk. The consumption of alfajores increases about 4% a year. Alfajores can be found anywhere, mostly in kiosks, bakeries, and grocery stores. Alfajores are truly irresistible.


Found from the website, here’s a great recipe:

Put together the following ingredients: 1 2/3 cups of all purpose flour, 2 ½ cups cornstarch, ½ teaspoon baking soda, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 cup unsalted butter (softened), ¾ cup with sugar, 3 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon vanilla rum, ½ teaspoon vanilla extract, ½ teaspoon lemon extract, 2 teaspoons lemon zest, 11.5 ounces jar dulce de leche, ½ cup unsweetened shredded coconut. This will make a three dozen alfajores and it takes about two hours and a half.


First, preheat the oven to 175C or 350F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper, Whisk together the flour, cornstarch, baking soda, and baking powder to set aside. Second, beat the butter and sugar with an electric mixer in a large bowl until it is light and fluffy. Add the egg yolks one at a time, allowing each yolk to blend into the butter mixture before adding the next. Beat in the vanilla rum, vanilla extract, lemon extract, and lemon zest with the last egg. Gently fold in the flour mixture with a spoon, making crumble dough. The dough becomes solid enough; press it together into a ball with your own hands. Wrap with plastic wrap and chill for 30 minutes to an hour. Third, roll out the dough using about ¼ inch thick. Cut it with a small cookie cutter. Keep pressing the dough together rolling it out, and cutting until you have used it all. Place cookies ½ inch apart on the prepared cookie sheets. Next, bake in the preheated oven until set but not completely brown, 7 to 10 minutes. Take the cookies right away to cool down on a rack. Lastly, spread the underside of a cooled cookie with a teaspoon of dulce de leche then sandwich together with another cookie until the caramel drip out the sides. Roll the sides in the shredded coconut.

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Posted by on June 25, 2013 in Traditions


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Best Buenos Aires Steakhouses: La Cholita, Recoleta

In Recoleta La Cholita is easy to access being right off Santa Fe. In fact, that is how I came across this solid traditional Buenos Aires parrilla. It’s a good option for those looking for a place to eat a good meal at a reasonable price with friends. Their proportions are abundant ,so you can bet on getting a good amount of food for your money. I recommend having the provoleta completa which comes in a cast iron skillet with baked provolone cheese, toped with onions, oregano, tomato and a drizzle of olive oil.

photo_1485_2I also really enjoyed the salchicha parrillera which is a very flavorful grilled sausage that has a more meaty texture compared to other argentine sausages. As far as argentine steak is concerned la parillada completa (complete grill) a great choice. The dish includes three types of sausages and all kinds of parts of the cow. La prillada is large enough to feed anywhere from 2-5 people and is one of the meals I most recommend.  Other recommended favorites would be the bife de lomo (loin steak)  and bife de Chorizo (sausage steak)  which are served with a side of french fries and calabaza. The fact that the dishes include sides is what sold me, as many restaurants in Buenos Aires often don’t include sides with their entrees.  I don’t recommend it to those looking for a relaxed quite dinner, the tables are really close to one another and the atmosphere is loud.


Their menu on the other hand has many options, they don’t only offer steak but also appetizers and you have the option of building your own salad. I recommend trying the Ensalada la Cholita, which is a bed mixed greens topped with mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, diced peppers and a large piece of chicken pillared. Considered a favorite by not only locals but tourists La Cholita gets very busy at all times of the day, usually requiring a reservation to secure yourself a spot. One of the downsides of this parrilla is that credit cards are not accepted, they do all their transactions in cash only.  The menu is, over all, very reasonably priced so if you’re looking for some good casual dining, do take into consideration this local joint.

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Posted by on June 18, 2013 in Restaurant Reviews


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Best Buenos Aires Steakhouses: Chiquilín


Going strong for over 80 years, Chiquilín is a fairly large and comfortable Buenos Aires steakhouse with a classic atmosphere that adds to its personality. Located in the city’s center, just a block away from Corrientes Avenue, it is an accessible place, surrounded by some prestigious Buenos Aires theaters. Chiquilin has earned a reputation for its consistent quality and maintains high standards making it a tourist hot spot. Its decor consists of potted plants, sacks of dry cured ham, antique ceiling fans that hang from the rafters and walls of wine. But what really makes them stand out is the high quality of their food and argentine steaks. Now, despite their impeccable reputation the prices are always reasonable, including their extensive wine list.

The clientele is very diverse from lawyers and judges in the daytime and at night the refined bohemian style, decorated with pictures and paintings offers a different climate, enjoyed by the people in show business, music and media, as well as the ever demanding tourist, who are eager to know the locals preferred spots in town..


This place takes their cooking seriously, making great steak heir main principal. That is why they provide exclusive Aberdeen Angus Certifies Special Cuts. In Argentina, these are prized specimens that are carefully selected, and raised with the best pasture, which helps obtain a healthy, natural and tender meat, recognized worldwide. When visiting I strongly recommend: bife de chorizo (sirloin strip steak), ojo de bife (rib-eye), asado de centro (cross cut ribs), tenderloin in pepper sauce, Sole in shrimp sauce, basil crêpes with a spinach and cream-cheese filling in leeks sauce, amongst others. Their menu offers variety and is proven to satisfy anyones demanding needs. The greatest thing is that they have a wide wine and Champagne list at your disposal. You get the best of both worlds here, a great argentine steak followed by a matching wine. Amongst its multiple services, Chiquilin provides 2 hours of free parking for its customers as well as valet parking during the nights. A Buenos Aires must do experience.

¡Buen provecho!

Por más de 80 años sigue con gran éxito, el restaurante de parrilla Chiquilín, lo cual es muy espacioso y  muy cómodo con un ambiente clásico que le da su propia personalidad. Está en el centro de la ciudad, a sólo una cuadra de la Avenida Corrientes, es muy fácil de encontrar, también está rodeado de algunos prestigiosos teatros de Buenos Aires. El Chiquilín ha ganado su excelente reputación por su gran calidad y por  seguir manteniendo ese nivel que a trae a muchos turistas. Su decoración se compone de plantas en macetas, sacos de jamón curado en seco, ventiladores de techo antiguos que cuelgan de las vigas del techo y las paredes de vino. Pero lo que realmente lo hace destacar es la alta calidad de sus alimentos y carnes argentinas. Ahora, a pesar de su impecable reputación de los precios son siempre razonables, incluyendo su extensa carta de vinos.

La clientela es muy diversa desde abogados y jueces en el día y en la noche el estilo bohemio refinado, decorado con cuadros y pinturas ofrece un clima diferente, disfrutado por la gente del mundo del espectáculo, la música y los medios de comunicación, así como el turista cada vez más exigente, que están ansiosos por conocer los lugareños lugares preferidos de la ciudad.

Este lugar toma su rol en la concina muy en serio, tomando el filete de carne como su sello principal. Es por eso que ofrecen exclusivos Aberdeen Angus Certifica cortes especiales. En Argentina, se trata de ejemplares premiados que han sido cuidadosamente seleccionados y criados con los mejores pastos, lo que ayuda a obtener una carne sana, natural y tierna, reconocida por todo el mundo. Durante su visita le recomiendo: bife de chorizo, ojo de bife, asado de centro, solomillo a la pimienta, lenguado en salsa de camarones, crêpes albahaca con espinacas y crema -relleno de queso en salsa de puerros, entre otros. Su menú ofrece una gran variedad y se ha demostrado que satisface a clientes exigentes. La cosa más importante es que tienen una amplia carta de vinos y Champagne a su disposición. Usted obtiene lo mejor de ambos mundos, aquí, un gran asador argentino seguido de un vino a juego. Entre sus múltiples servicios, Chiquilín ofrece 2 horas de estacionamiento gratuito para sus clientes, así como servicio de aparcacoches durante las noches. El Chiquilín es uno de los restaurantes que no se lo puede perder si viene a Buenos Aires.

¡Buen provecho!

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Posted by on June 18, 2013 in Restaurant Reviews


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Best Buenos Aires Steakhouses: El Desnivel, San Telmo

El Desnivel is a typical Buenos Aires steakhouse (parrilla) located in San Telmo. With its traditional Argentinian operating hours from noon- 4:30 and 8:00 p.m.- 1:00 a.m. you can expect this place to be packed at all times of the day. This famous argentine steakhouse has always been the locals’ preferred choice from its very beginnings.


In recent years, thanks to hype of its quality meats it has managed to gain huge popularity with tourists and artists. From guidebooks to locals, everyone is recommending El Desnivel! So, what is it that this small business offers that makes it so unique? Well from its decor of faded pictures of iconic argentinians hanging on the walls and the waiters described to be the cheeriest in town, its atmosphere seems to be a little wonky. Nonetheless their argentinian steaks are served in big portions at a good value. You can count on the tables always being full and crowds of people coming and going while slabs of steak sizzle on an open grill. The place is filled with the aroma of steak and fries while the sounds of cumbia come from the speakers mixed with the voices of guests that speak in all languages. If you prefer a quiet, romantic dinner, this loud energetic atmosphere would not be the place to go. Definitely proven to be a traditional argentine parrilla their steaks are prepared with passion and cooked in an argentine style no wonder this place is the talk of the sunday market.

desnivelfoodTheir menu is more than satisfying and includes their famous bife de chorizo, bife de lomo, asados, blood sausage, grilled ribs , empanadas and much more. Their wine selection is not exclusive but you will find some of Argentina’s classic Malbecs that are inexpensive but drinkable as well as other selections of wine, all for a reasonable price. For delicious steaks on the parrilla, social and authentic atmosphere, and service with character that leaves you and your wallet happy try El Desnivel in San Telmo. Reservations are taken sometimes but are not recommended. It will be busy but turnover seems to be fairly quick.  ¡Buen Provecho!

Donde uno puede disfrutar de un buen y sabroso bistec a un precio adquirible.

El Desnivel es un asador típico ubicado en San Telmo. Con sus horas de operación tradicional de argentina lo cual son del mediodía a 4:30 y de 20:00-1:00 am. Usted encontrará este lugar lleno de gente a cualquier hora del día. Este famoso restaurante de carnes siempre ha sido la opción preferida de los porteños desde el primer día. En los últimos años, gracias a la popularidad de sus carnes por su excelente calidad que ha logrado atraer la atención de los turistas y los artistas.

¡Todo el mundo está recomendando El Desnivel! Desde los guías turísticos hasta la gente local. Entonces, ¿Qué es lo que hace este pequeño negocio que sea tan especial? Pues por su decoración de las imágenes descoloridas de argentinos icónicos que cuelgan en las paredes y por los camareros que describen como el más alegre de la ciudad, su atmósfera parece ser un poco torcidas. Sin embargo, sus carnes argentinas han demostrado ser el mejor. Usted puede contar de que las tablas siempre estén completas y que haiga un gran multitud de gente entrando y saliendo, mientras trozos de carne chisporrotean de la parrilla abierta antes de que sean trasladados a las mesas.

El lugar se llena con el aroma de la carne y patatas fritas bien secas, mientras que los sonidos de cumbia se escuchan de los altavoces y se mezcla con las voces de los invitados que hablan diferentes idiomas. Su menú es más que satisfactorio e incluye su famoso bife de chorizo​​, bife de lomo, asados​​, morcilla, costillas a la parrilla, empanadas y mucho más. Sin duda, ha demostrado ser una parrilla tradicional argentina con las carnes que se preparan con pasión y cocinadas a la perfección, no es de extrañar que este lugar es la comidilla de la ciudad. La selección de vinos no es exclusiva, pero usted encontrará algunos mejores como el Malbec y otras selecciones de vino, todo por un precio razonable. Usted puede ir en la búsqueda de la pareja perfecta de vino tinto para la carne. Por su deliciosa parrilla, excelente y auténtico ambiente y el servicio con buen carácter, que le deja y la grasa de su cartera intenta El Desnivel en Buenos Aires. Reservaciones se toman a veces, pero no se recomiendan. Va a estar muy ocupado, pero la ida y venida de gente es bastante rápida.

¡Buen Provecho!

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Posted by on June 13, 2013 in Restaurant Reviews


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